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As you can see, I've had a long winter's nap. No blogging for a couple of months. But spring is in the air... snow is melting... it's time to get back to the keyboard. Hope you like the coming entries.

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Monday, October 22, 2012

The Right to Choose

Like anyone, teachers have the right to make choices about volunteering their time.  Sitting on committees or doing extra-curricular activities is something each individual must decide for themselves. Article 29.02 says "...a teacher's participation in any extra-curricular activity requires that teacher's consent." 

A thinking person would say, "You can't require someone to volunteer."   Unfortunately, sometimes teachers are pressured to participate. In some places they are simply assigned to committees, in others they are "expected" to sign up.  As a candidate for Vice-President of our professional association, I find it difficult to stand by when this is the case.  This year, I decided to re-think.  I have chosen not to sit on a school committee -not because I don't value the work of committees - but because I value our right to choose more.

Don't get me wrong.  I do value the work that volunteers do on committees.  My whole career, I have been involved in the school community's "extras" in one way or another.  I ran Student Councils for sixteen years, helping children particpate in their own democratic forum.  I have chaperoned dances and drop-ins, organized fundraising and other activities for many, many years.  I've sat on a number of committees:  the House Committee, the Social Committee, the Safe and Caring Schools Committee. A few years back, I published newsletters for the school and for my creative writing group  So, I do know a little bit about this.  Like most teachers, I have done the extra for the satisfaction that it brings.  However, that is my choice and I support the right of any teacher to decide for himself or herself whether s/he wants to volunteer. 

Our collective agreement states "A teacher's participation on a school-based or board-based committee requires that teacher's consent."   Our collective agreement - our legal and bindidng contract - provides us the right to choose.  Let's keep it that way!


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