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As you can see, I've had a long winter's nap. No blogging for a couple of months. But spring is in the air... snow is melting... it's time to get back to the keyboard. Hope you like the coming entries.

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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Fabulous February

February came in like crazy.  Who would believe you could jam pack so much into one very short month?  There was Teacher Appreciation Week where lovely snacks appeared each recess time from the Wellness Committee and our Administrators treated us to drinks and subs for lunch on Friday.  No sooner had we done all this and Valentine's Day rolled around with a drop-in for the younger kids and a dance for the older ones.  Judging from all the giggling and grinning,  music and conversation, dancing and such, Cupid may have been around.  But how would you know for sure? 

The Sochi Olympics were awesome!  Our school had a series of  activities where each class chose a country, researched it and their Olympic athletes.  They followed the country and tallied the medals as the events rolled out.  Everyone followed the Canadian athletes especially our own Caitlyn Osmond as she skated for her silver medal.  And Hockey - Men's and Women's Gold - don't get no better than that!  Our school celebrated with a Winter Olympic Day on the 21st with Opening ceremonies replete with flags, colors and hats from countries all  around the world.  Banner-making, indoor games and  outdoor competitions  kept the children active and happy.   We topped it off with hot chocolate and giant chocolate chip cookies yummmm!

Just when you think that would be enough, the  next week was "Stand Up Week" with a variety of  Anti-Bullying activities that saw a mass of pink t-shirts in the Gym for our annual Anti-Bullying Assembly.  Students watched videos, read poetry and performed some dances celebrating the theme. The RCMP spoke to the children as did other special guests.  Thanks to the Safe and Caring Committee for being so, well, caring... and creative... and inclusive.... and ....well, you know what I mean!