Had a great summer with lots of sunshine, digging around the garden and mini-projects. My grand daughter spent a full month with us this summer which was absolutely wonderful. I also got to visit my sister on the island and spent a few weeks catching up and kicking back before the new school year.
What an exciting time of year! Even though the summer went by all too fast, there's something about September that just gets you going. A new school year, new beginnings, new projects... new school board. That is something teachers and support staff are watching very closely.
I am also keeping a keen eye on the Municipal elections. My significant other, Leo Hanrahan, is running for a position on Council here in HV-GB and I'll be into the campaign "face and eyes" as they say. There are eleven people vying for six council positions so there's a bit of a race. It's good to see lots of interest with people putting themselves forward to better their community. The 24th of September will be here before you know it! These are interesting times indeed!