Welcome to my blog.

As you can see, I've had a long winter's nap. No blogging for a couple of months. But spring is in the air... snow is melting... it's time to get back to the keyboard. Hope you like the coming entries.

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Sunday, September 8, 2013

Back to school

Had a great summer with lots of sunshine, digging around the garden and mini-projects.  My grand daughter spent a full month with us this summer which was absolutely wonderful.  I also got to visit my sister on the island and spent a few weeks catching up and kicking back before the new school year.  

What an exciting time of year!  Even though the summer went by all too fast, there's something about September that just gets you going.  A new school year, new beginnings, new projects... new school board.  That is something teachers and support staff are watching very closely.  

I am also keeping a keen eye on the Municipal elections.  My significant other, Leo Hanrahan,  is running for a position on Council here in HV-GB and I'll be into the campaign "face and eyes" as they say. There are eleven people vying for six council positions so there's a bit of a race.  It's good to see lots of interest with people putting themselves forward to better their community. The 24th of September will be here before you know it!  These are interesting times indeed!

Friday, April 26, 2013

Desiderata 2

Another quote from the Desiderata, my guide for this lifetime. 

"As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons."

Trying ... to find compromise, to be the willow instead of the oak, to give some quarter,  to accept or celebrate differences... these things help us get along with others.  And living in peace together is paramount to our happiness.  However, for me the key to this quote is "without surrender".  We can give a little to get a little; but we can't surrender what we know to be clear and right and true!

Being on good terms with friends is easy.  But, for those who would do you harm, those whose ideas and values you do not share, those who seek to control the people around them - being on good terms  is a real challenge!  For those people, we have to take a step back and decide just how much compromise we are willing to make.  How much is too much?  When we stand up for our values, we sometimes  do so at the expense of  "being on good terms" with someone.  Uncomfortable?   You bet!  But how can we do otherwise and still retain our self respect?

The other thing I like about this quote is "all persons".  Every person is important, even if you don't like him/her.  Someone once told me that the best measure of a person is how they treat someone who can do nothing to help them.  It's one thing to be kind to the boss; but how you treat the busboy, the homeless, the sanitation engineer is even more important and perhaps more reflective of the real you.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Family Fun Day 2013

It's been blowing a gale all weekend here in HV-GB but that didn't stop us from going ahead with our  Family Fun Day on Sunday.   

Nestled amongst the trees, we were sheltered from the wind and took advantage of the beautiful trails at the Birch Brook Nordic Ski Club.    With skiing, snowshoeing and sliding to choose from, the outdoor activities were great!   

This year skiing was by far the most popular!

The children returned from their excursions to take part in crafts. cards and other indoor activities like the much anticipated Easter Egg Hunt. The adults sipped a cuppa and enjoyed each other's company and   some  good   conversation.  Being something of a foodie, the Pot Luck Dinner was the highlight of my day -  ham, turkey, salads, dips, chili, caseroles, meatballs with rice and an absolutely delectable selection of desserts to top it all off !  Yes, it was well worth it.  Should have wonderful days like this more often!

 A big thank you to all who brought food and participated in this annual event sponsored by the Lake Melville Branch of the NLTA.   Special thanks to Geralyn  who helped us with funding and to Betty Ann and the Birch Brook Club who are always so welcoming and supportive of our branch.  Thanks as well to Alex and Nicholas who helped with crafts and to Renee for taking some pics of our day!

Sunday, March 24, 2013


BGM is happening over the Easter break. It's a wonderful opportunity to meet and talk with teachers from all around the province.  We will discuss issues which are  important to us as teachers and by extension to the education of our children.   As a candidate for Provincial Executive, I am especially looking forward to talking with other teachers and getting their input on things which matter to them. 

The Provincial Executive Council is the political arm of the NLTA.  It oversees the activities of the association and makes decisisons which affect us all.  I feel that the election of the Executive is the most important piece of business we have before us at BGM.  Having served one term on Executive, I learned quite a lot and am eager to once again serve the teachers of Newfoundland and Labrador. 

While the focus of the Executive is province-wide, having an Executive Member from  Labrador brings another perspective to discussions at the Executive table.  It also  provides teachers in the "Big Land" with the opportunity to serve on a standing committee, a rarity in our neck of the woods.    I hope the teacher-delegates at BGM find me deserving of their confidence and their vote. 

Sunday, March 17, 2013


The Desiderata is sort of my philosphy for life.  I plan to extract something from it every few days and share with you a few of my  musings.

"Go placidly amid the noise and haste and remember what peace there may be in silence." 

This is so true.  How often do we spend our days bombarded with noise?  I think of the cacophony of the cafeteria, the hustle and bustle of the corridor, even the white noise from flourescent lights, computer towers or Smartboard  projectors as they whir and cycle. Except for a power outage, we rarely experience silence.  

One notable exception - Wednesday afternoons.  For fifteen wonderful, peaceful minutes everyone in the building engages in SSR  (Sustained silent reading). What a relief!  Over-stimulation has become such a part of our daily routine that we hardly even notice the noise as the days rush by! 

Go placidly amid the noise and haste... hmmmm... slow down, take a deep breath and look for that inner peace that keeps you centered no matter how much is going on around you.