Welcome to my blog.

As you can see, I've had a long winter's nap. No blogging for a couple of months. But spring is in the air... snow is melting... it's time to get back to the keyboard. Hope you like the coming entries.

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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

March Breakdown - April Outrage!

My  SigOth's daughter gave me this bag at the beginning of the school year.  She thought it was a great summary of the life of a teacher (lol).  I got a chuckle out of most of them but was a little perplexed by the March and April captions. Now, having almost survived the very l-o-n-g stretch between Christmas and Easter this year (only two more days to go) I have come to appreciate them. While most of North America have a March or Spring Break, here in NL we had to wait until Easter... and Easter is very, very late this year!

You can look for this bag at http://www.towel-totes-more.com/
Thanks to http://www.dowlinggraphics.com/ for permission to use this graphic.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

On the Campaign Trail

There's a Federal Election on the go now but that is not my campaign trail.
Any teachers out there know that the NLTA is holding its Biennial General Meeting in April. At this time delegates to the convention will elect the Provincial Executive Council which will serve the Association for the next two years. Because I want to improve the situation of teachers in our province, I am again offering myself as a candidate.


Monday, April 4, 2011

What a Day at Birch Brook!

YES!  Mother Nature smiled on us big-time.  She gifted us a Large Labrador Day with the sun shining, the wind hiding and temperatures just below freezing.  The trails were fast, the company was jovial and the food delicious.  What a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon!  Around forty people of all ages came to participate in one of the last outings of the winter season:  active teachers, retired and substitute teachers, toddlers, kiddos and teenagers. We could feel the energy as we set out - with skis and snowshoes getting a fine workout.  Back at the Birch Brook Ski Chalet, children got their fingers into cupcakes and crafting supplies, and adults stopped by the scrapbooking corner.  Thanks to President, Janet Byrne-Turpin and the Lake Melville Branch Executive for organizing this event and a bigger thank-you to everyone who attended. You made the NLTA Family Day a fun time.  Hope to see you all again next year!  

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Postponed due to Weather!

This year we have not had a single “snow day” in  HV-GB.  Ironically, Mother Nature decided to give us one last Sunday and our NLTA Family Fun Day had to be postponed. The North West River Road was in poor condition and we had to put safety first!  As a result, we all found ourselves with a bunch of food to dispose of….for me it was lasagne, for others a variety main dishes, salads and cupcakes. But you know, as problems go, that`s a good one to have.   I’ve still got my snowshoes waiting impatiently in their corner of the porch and I`m looking worriedly out my window this evening, hoping the weather will improve for tomorrow.  If not, I`ll be eating chicken wings all week. J